I think blaming things on other people to spare getting into trouble runs in the family. When I was a little girl my mom spent a lot of time making a pecan pie. The next morning when we woke up, amazingly enough all the pecans were gone off the pie! How could that happen? Well, my sister told me the cat ate them. It sounded logical to me. My sister told me that we didn't want the cat to get into trouble, did we? So tell mom that I ate them. I was about 4 or 5 and believed her, so that's what I told my mom when she came in furious wanting to know what happened to the pecans! My sister got off the hook for eating them and I got into trouble for supposedly eating them! Dirty trick! My mom later found out and took care of my sister! Fast forward 30 years to our house. Whenever I say something like, "Who left this out?" or whatever the case may be, inevitably, Averie is right there to say as she crinkles her nose, "I think Sydney did it."
So, yesterday I finally swept and mopped all the floor downstairs. Averie wanted to help mop, so I let her. She mopped all around and when she was done I said:
"Averie! Great job! When you grow up you're going to be a good mopper!"
She said, "No, mom. When I grow up I am going to be a horse rider."
"Oh, well then at least you'll know how to mop the floors in your house when you grow up."