Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It ain't over, 'til it's over!

Averie is gardening comfortably!
Jessie, the lizzard chasing,licking dog, resting in the shade. I took 2 pictures of him and his tongue was sticking out both times!What are the odds??

Averie and I were planting in the backyard and needed a little extra dirt from our garden that I haven't watered in months. Much to my surprise, look what I found!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Josh Plays T-Ball

Josh just started T-Ball and he absolutely loves it!! Here are a few highlights!

Miss Manners

We had an etiquette night for the deacons last Wednesday. It was definitely an adventure. Some of the things I taught them was how to use proper manners in a formal setting, learning how to set the table and knowing what all the utensils and plates are for, how to greet someone formally and informally and how to introduce someone at a formal event. Of course, Jason was there to do everything he wasn't supposed to do and to give us a good laugh. Sure some of the rolls fell on the ground, Jason had his Big Gulp on the table, and a few things were said that were not considered "appropriate table talk"! But, all in all, we had good food (I thought!) and good entertainment!! Thanks to living with Miss Manners all my life, I was prepared!!


I have grown up going to the races! Every weekend we'd go see the sprint cars, midgets, stock cars, drag racers, and even traveled to Arizona one year to NASCAR. So my mom had some tickets she couldn't use this past weekend and we were more than willing to take them off her hands! We watched the truck series and I tell you Kyle Busch is awesome. He is also one of Josh's favorites. He is usually drives the M&M car, but on Friday he was driving a truck. He was in 2nd place and wanted to change his tires because there was only 20 more laps and wanted to keep strong. Well, he didn't make it in time and had to move all the way back to 16th place. In about 10 laps he make it all the way back up to 2nd! It is always so fun to go! All you need is a good pair of earplugs and you are set! It is great the track is so close by!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fun Time!

The beautiful sandtrap I wouldn't let the kids get in.

Here are the kids lounging in the sandtrap after it was destroyed!

On Saturday, we went out to the Hot Air Balloon Festival at my mom and papa's community in DelWebb. The balloons were so pretty! I think we counted 14 balloons and there were so many people there. The kids had a great time. It all took place on the beautiful golf course. While we were waiting, of course the kids meandered over to the huge sandtrap. My kids were the first one's there. I told them not to get in it because it looked so nice and I thought they'd get into trouble. So they ran around it, poked in it, and got absolutely as close as they could to getting in it. Well, then here comes this other little girl who begins to prance around in it. That was it! From then on there was about 30 kids playing in it. I think they thought they were at the beach!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Ready for a night of Trick-or-Treating!Do you think they knew the same neighbor would be out with his chainsaw chasing kids down the street or that my mother would be calling for Carlisle all night???!!!

Don't forget your bag!

Playing with Papa while waiting for the Trick-or-Treaters!

Cold and tired after a long hard night of trudging down the streets of our neighborhood!