Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fun Time!

The beautiful sandtrap I wouldn't let the kids get in.

Here are the kids lounging in the sandtrap after it was destroyed!

On Saturday, we went out to the Hot Air Balloon Festival at my mom and papa's community in DelWebb. The balloons were so pretty! I think we counted 14 balloons and there were so many people there. The kids had a great time. It all took place on the beautiful golf course. While we were waiting, of course the kids meandered over to the huge sandtrap. My kids were the first one's there. I told them not to get in it because it looked so nice and I thought they'd get into trouble. So they ran around it, poked in it, and got absolutely as close as they could to getting in it. Well, then here comes this other little girl who begins to prance around in it. That was it! From then on there was about 30 kids playing in it. I think they thought they were at the beach!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

What the??? It looks like summer there! The ski resorts are opening here, if you can believe it.