Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Still Rockin'...

Wow, my mom, grandfather and I went to see Tina Turner last Friday at the Jobing.com Arena! She was SOOOOO AWESOME! Did you know she is 68????? !!!!!Tina was dancing in her high heels, wore some smokin' outfits, and her legs!!!! They look great! My mom has decided, after seeing Tina, that she is going to start wearing high heels on the treadmill to get "Tina Legs"! And as for me, I am getting my haircut like her! We were way up high in the arena, so we took turns with the binoculars! She played all her great songs and her band and dancers were very good! Thanks mom for inviting me!!!


Marinelli Maniacs said...

Hey you guys, it is James & Julie Marinelli!! How are you guys doing. It was great to see your blog and how much everyone has grown up so fast, well except for Jason that is!!!haha I can't believe how much Sydney looks like Melissa. I still remember her from Jon's wedding. It looks like you guys are doing fantastic and having a great time. We have a blog too marinellifamily.blogspot.com

I have a link for Jon too on mine if you want to take a look. I am so glad that you guys are doing well and tell jason hello from us.

Clement Clan said...

Oh, I'm jealous. You have way more fun than I do. Can I come over and play.

Salsera said...

Great job. I love it. However, you stole my music. But I'll forgive you. Wanna trade??????? love you xoxox

Tanner Fam said...

Tina is AWESOME!!!! She is timeless and I want her body! Not in an anti 102 way...but literally. I don't think I've ever looked as good as her. Oh well, at least it gives me something to hope for while blowing out candles on my birthday, when I'm eating my third helping of cake.

Mindy said...

How fun is that... three generations going to a concert together! I love it! And I'm with you, I can't believe how good she looks for her age! Are you really cutting your hair like her's? That would be so cute! I swear, about half of my friends have gotten really cute short cuts in the last month. It has Brett worried that I might cut mine. :)