We have had a lot of things go on this month. The most recent was the sad event of my Papa passing away. I can't say to much right now- the emotions are still riding high- but to say the very least, he'll be greatly missed and we had so many great times together. I'll never forget him.

About a week ago a song kept running through my mind that we sing in Primary:
I lived in heaven along time ago, it is true
Lived there and loved there with people I know, so did you
Then Heavenly Father presented a beautiful plan
All about Earth and eternal salvation for man.
I know I'll see him again some day.
How lucky we were to get a family picture the week before with all of us.

I came home to the kids playing with this gooshy toy. They took out the blinking eye inside it and decided it could be put to better use! Kallie is having a tug-o-war.

Sydney sporting a new look. Kinda cute?

I spilled some pancake powder one day and took a little too long to clean it up. No worries though! Averie made good use of it. I came into the kitchen and she got out all the kitchen tools she needed!
Josh and his friend Matthew make these books. He really gets into it. So far he has a Pirates of the Carribean book and an Astronaut book he has finished! I type out what he tells me and he adds the pictures.
One night we took my sister, Mark and Summer over to Westgate to walk around. Josh wanted to run in the splash pad. As soon as the water stopped, all the kids would try to make it to the other side before the water started again. This is what we left with! He collided with another boy. Poor kid! After a day or so, he became proud of it and liked it when people would ask him about it.

My sister, her boyfriend, Mark and our niece, Summer came for a little visit a few weeks ago. Here is Sydney and Summer. They are only 3 weeks apart.

My sister and Josh doing a little jogging on Wii Fit!

My sister, Tiffani and Mark.It was so great to have them come for a visit. Hopefully, we'll see them again this summer!
We have been finishing up some much needed painting and a little decorating. (Ignore the Mountain Dew on the desk- you aren't supposed to see that!) You can usually find Jason at his desk doing paperwork and he just can't contain himself sometimes and busts out and starts singing like he is on stage with millions of adoring fans. Anyway, I posted this to show what color we painted the den!
We went with a lighter neutral color in the entry and both halls upstairs and downstairs.

This is Kallie's room. She really wanted a conversation table and some comfortable chairs.
She wanted lots of dots!

Little Averie's room. Just need some cute curtains, a picture and a rug!

Sydney's room is a work in progress! She has been decorating her walls for the past 2 + years. There is another wall you can't see with pictures. I told her we'll paint when she's ready! We finally got her a comforter set, real window blinds (goodbye paper shades) and curtains.

Josh had his 7th birthday party on March 21. It was a Bionicle party with some slippin' and slidin'.

Wildlife World Zoo

It all began with a fun trip to the Wildlife Zoo! We have been a few times before, but we did a few new things this time. We got to feed the Lory Parrots twice and went on the brand new log ride! Averie definitely didn't know what she was getting herself into when we got on the boat! Needless to say, she won't be going on that again! Feeding the parrots was soo fun. The kids loved it. When you walk in you get a piece of an apple to hold out and if your lucky the bird will land right on your hand and eat the apple! They only let you stay in there for about 20 minutes due to the bird's fast metabolism. It could get a little messy in there, so they herd everyone out at a certain time! We loved it!
So what is next? A few more birthdays, a play, a concert, swim lessons, diving lessons, summer movie days, acting camp, and visits from friends and family!