Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sydney is 13

Wow, what a fast 13 years. Of course, we had to reminisce about the day Sydney was born! Jason doesn't think he was eating a chocolate ice cream while I was in total labor. I will have to find the picture to prove it! After 3 long hours of pushing, my doctor opted for a c-section. So, while I was being operated on, Jason was totally engrossed with all the cutting and stuff to get Sydney out. He was supposed to be feeding me ice chips...I remember being SO thirsty!The first thing the doctor said when she was born was, "My what long eyelashes she has!" We loved her from that moment. She has been a great joy in our lives! Challenging at times and at others she really tries to do what is right! In this picture she got what she wanted most for her birthday from Nana and Papa...a cell phone! The rest of the night on her birthday she kept putting it to her cheek and smiling and saying, "I can't believe I got it!"Happy Birthday, Sydney!


Joey and Megan said...

Oh my word, you mean that now I'm going to have to start the cell phone battle with Hannah again. And my brother just got the iPod Touch that she wants too. Argh! Happy birthday Sydney :)

Lori said...

A Little late, but happy birthday Sydney! When we moved I knew I would miss are ward. But I had no idea how much I would miss the young womem. I miss Sydney, and all of the girls so much. I can't believe how much she has grown just in the two months we have been gone. Tell her I said Hi. If you remember.